Ride Report Sunday 10th April “The Twin Spurs”
10th April 2022
By Craig "Doova" Davis
Ride Report Sunday 10th April “The Twin Spurs”
Have you ever googled the best motorbike rides in the world? Well, I have and it seems you get some variations in the list depending on what sites you look at.
On “Ride Expeditions” Site No.10 is Ho Chi Minh Trail. I have ridden parts of this trail and it certainly is quite an adventure with road surface often not the best.
No.9 is the Pacific Highway and I have travelled this road from L.A. to San Francisco which is my favourite city that I have visited. The road is in great condition and with coastal views for much of the way it is quite spectacular.
No. 5 is the Great Ocean Road and I’m sure most of us have done that ride on numerous occasions. It is an iconic road and all bike riders must put it on the must do list. Perhaps the Chapter could consider a weekender out that way some time.
Not on their list but found on many other best ride lists is the Twin Spur. This ride remains one of my all-time favourites for a few reasons. Firstly, the surface is top class. There are few roads intersecting this road and traffic flow is usually low or virtually non-existent.
This was the Sunday ride some 40 riders headed off on to tackle the twisties. Morning tea was at Millgrove and Gerry’s bike enjoyed the rest so much it refused to start again.
The bush mechanics tried their best but to no avail and so the recovery flair was sent up.
The mob pushed on and arrived at The Maroondah Dam where PJ, Col, Alan and other helpers whose names escape me (apoligies) had a spectacular BBQ lunch ready compliments of the Chapter.
After lunch the mob dispersed to ride by various paths back to whence, they had come.
Another great day out riding with the Chapter.
See you on the road