Very Special Kids Ride Sunday 19th Feb 2023

25th February 2023
By Rab Smith
Very Special Kids Ride Sunday 19th Feb 2023


Sunday’s VSK ride started with our usual gathering at Harley Heaven, and by 10am we were 20 bikes and 28 people strong.
As we had a good few that were experiencing their first VSK ride, a quick briefing of what to expect during our camp visit was delivered by myself, and thereafter all assembled across the road and took off for Sommers, led by myself with Wes bringing up the rear as ‘Tail End Charlie’.
Our arrival at camp was met with the usual enthusiasm by families and volunteers alike, where they laid on drinks and cake for our morning tea, which was being devoured at a great rate as all said it was delicious.
Six Hogs who were not taking the kids on their bikes, volunteered to be ‘Marshalls’ and were subsequently dispatched out on the road at three of the junctions on the route.
Kids, siblings, volunteers and parents, all lined up to be next on a bike, and there began a steady stream of bikes coming and going with delighted passengers on board. Unfortunately, this time we had no open top cars available to take the more seriously disabled, but we overcame this somewhat by using the trike to take them around the oval.
While sitting quietly watching the bikes coming and going, a young 21year old Bella came over and sat with me for a chat,
and what a delight to once again catch up with an adult who was a previous VSK Kid, as Bella was herself one of them in 2007 and got pretty emotional seeing the bikes coming and going, as it brought back some wonderful memories for her.
On rides completion, we all headed up as usual to the open-air auditorium for ‘Reflections’, which is a time that allows the families and volunteers alike to share their experience of what camp meant to each of them. During this time, I was able to go up on stage and present a $250 cheque to VSK Camp, on behalf of Tammy and Tennile, who had raised the money via selling cakes that Tammy had homemade. A Huge ‘Well Done’ to them both. I was also able to pass on a cheque from a member to the value of $1,000, plus a further $1,000 from friends of mine.
Georgie, the camp leader, was again telling me that the value of the monies that we constantly donate is very much appreciated and when I asked of her, what sort of things did they spend the money on, she was delighted to show me the latest project that some of the last cheque went to finance. She said that there were kids in wheelchairs that were unable to participate in the paddleboarding activity and had to watch from the shore as others took part. Well not anymore, as our donations helped design and modify some of the paddleboards to take wheelchairs, thus allowing those kids to be part of the fun.
As usual, we were invited to stay for lunch, and it didn’t disappoint, delicious, and as camp began to pack up, I’m sure
each of us headed home with a ‘Feel Good’ factor sustaining us for the next couple of days. Roll on October !


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